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So you want to become a librarian? 

Becoming a librarian has never been so exciting, rewarding, or accessible. It is a great way to make a positive difference in your life, the life of your community, and far beyond. The right-hand navigation buttons will get you on your way to becoming a librarian, or, if you already are one, to enhancing and advancing your career, as well as the profession.  


If you are wondering what a librarian in the 21st century does, here are a few links that will help you with your decision to embark on one of the greatest career journeys, ever! Sometimes we are asked what in particular you have to study in high school or college to become a librarian. The answer is whatever you want! It’s helpful to have good computer skills, but anthropology majors, nurses, potters, and teachers all make their way into the library profession. Even rock stars! The rich diversity of backgrounds makes this a truly fun and exciting profession! What a wonderful way to make a difference in the world!



Education & Scholarship

Top Ten Reasons to Become a Librarian

Letterman like list detailing the Top 10 reasons why librarianship is such an interesting profession 

ALA-Accredited Library Schools 

Information from the American Library Association on accredited master’s programs in library and information studies

How to Become a Librarian  

This exciting and varied profession embraces public service, literature, cutting edge of technology, and more!

ALA Education & Careers

Tons of info on careers in libraries 


Illinois ALA Accredited Library Schools

ALA accredited library schools in Illinois

Association of Illinois School Library Educators

Resources from AISLE

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Education, Training & Library Occupations 

ALA Scholarship Program

The scholarship process is open annually from October to March

Interested in what employment opportunities are available to librarians?  

Go to our Employment Opportunities for New Librarians & Job Seekers section 

So you want to become a library technical assistant? 

Perhaps you are interested in libraries but aren't sure if you are able to commit to There are many educational opportunities to become library technical assistants.  The American Library Association (ALA) is a great place to start for locating information on this rewarding career!


ALA's Library Support Staff Resource Center




WebJunction Free Training 


Looking for continuing educational opportunities for librarians?

Just like any profession, librarians are constantly working to keep up with the changes in the field.  Here are some links to continuing education opportunities for librarians.


Certified Public Library Administrator Program



Library Learning (L2) calendar



Are you a new librarian or job seeker looking for employment opportunities? 

Here are some links for librarians looking for employment or tips on job searching.


ALA’s Getting a Job in a Tough Economy Toolkit

For new librarians or those changing jobs, ALA has a toolkit for getting a job in a tough economy


San Jose State's LIS Career Development

The free online resource is aimed at helping new Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals, as well as experienced LIS practitioners who want tips and ideas for refining their career pathway.



Tips for librarian job hunters 



Examples of anonymous cover letters from librarians


Job Listings for Librarians

Websites on employment opportunities for librarians and includes:

               American Library Association Employment Opportunities



               I Need a Library Job









               Illinois Library Association Jobline



               Reaching Across Illinois Libraries System (RAILS) Job Listings



               Illinois Heartland Library System Job Listings



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